Charoset is a mandatory, traditional part of the seder meal, representing the mortar the Hebrews used to set bricks during their captivity in Egypt. It is impossible for me to make the classic charoset without using some apple.
NOTE: Welch’s makes a Light Concord Grape Juice. It has 12 grams of carbohydrate per cup, so that 1/4 cup will add 3 grams.
(Dana’s Note: While it is common for charoset recipes to call for sweet wine, you can use dry, then sweeten to taste. She uses honey–not low carb, but then this is a once-per-year dish. You could use sugar-free artificial honey or the sweetener of your choice. Be aware that many artificial sweeteners contain maltodextrin, and therefore are not kosher for Passover. Liquid sucralose, however, is grain free and should be okay, as should stevia.)