Budget Low Carb – Beefy Comfort Food Perfect for Low-Carb St. Patrick’s Day or Any Day

Budget Low-Carb Cooking

One-Pot-Low-Carb-Wonders, We Salute You! Slainté!

Un-Corned Beef Brisket or Chuck Pot Roast for St. Patrick's Day
Un-corned Beef Brisket or Chuck Pot Roast – Your Choice.
They’re both low carb delicious and take very little effort to prepare.

Budget Low Carb is all about staying warm! Winter still lurks and stout March breezes push insistently from the sidelines. Because of this, the months leading into spring are jam-packed with one-pot-low-carb-wonders such as low carb pot roast, low carb soups, low carb stews, and low carb hash. It’s easy to low carb these one-pot phenoms by simply substituting a high fiber, low carb veg in place of carby nonsense like pasta, potatoes, and rice. Great low carb, high fiber veggie substitutes include turnips, cauliflower, green beans, broccoli, cabbage, radishes, even a tiny bit of rutabaga–even though rutabaga is a higher carb choice.

It sure doesn’t hurt that one-pot-low-carb-wonders make king’s bounty out of beggar’s purses. It’s easy to use cheaper cuts of meat and capitalize on long, slow braising times to deliver hearty, rich and flavorful bowls of pure-d-comfort. And of course, nothing says comfort food better than beef. So in honor of our deep need for a warm and cozy bowl of satisfying, nourishing, comfort food, we give you—beef. It’s what’s for dinner. Cook up a big pot of Easy Beef Stroganoff and serve it over Buttery Cabbage Noodles–you’ll never miss the high carbage pasta noodles and you’ll thank me for not demanding you use your knife-skills slicing mounds of beef. The 80/20 ground chuck, while certainly providing a textural difference to traditional beef stroganoff, is a rich substitution in our low carb, Easy Beef Stroganoff recipe.

Oh and don’t forget, you’ll need a bit of the ol’ “Luck-o-the-Irish” in the next week as St. Patrick’s Day looms. Time for a bit of tom-foolery as we bypass the need to plan weeks in advance to home cure your corned beef. Just use our TNT (Tried-n-True) recipe for Un-Corned Beef. You could literally use this recipe on any cut of beef you choose. Choose the cut that’s on sale! This year, since I made the score on pot roast for $1.88/lb, it looks like it’s Un-corned Beef Pot Roast on the menu.

You can have this satisfying comfort meal on the table in 50 minutes from start to finish. Although ground beef isn’t a traditional cut of beef for stroganoff, the ground chuck is not only budget friendly, but cook-friendly—no meat-slicing skills needed.

Slainté me little “derlins”!

Try All the Budget Low Carb – Beefy Comfort Food Perfect for Low-Carb St. Patrick’s Day or Any Day Recipes!

Low-Carb Buttery Cabbage Noodles

Low-Carb Buttery Cabbage Noodles
Buttery Cabbage Noodles replace high carbage pasta in this low carb
Easy Stroganoff one-pot-low-carb-wonder. Quick, easy, and delicious.

This quick and easy side dish makes a great replacement for high carb pasta noodles. It’s a great SDS, “sauce delivery system”.

Total Cost of Recipe: $0.76
Cost per 1/4 of Recipe: $0.19

Serving Size: About 1 cup        Yield: 4 Servings
Preparation Time:    15 Minutes
Sauté Time: 15 Minutes
Start to Finish Time: 30 Minutes

Easy Low-Carb Beef Stroganoff with Buttery Cabbage Noodles

Easy Low-Carb Beef Stroganoff with Buttery Cabbage Noodles
Low Carb Easy Beef Stroganoff with Buttery Cabbage Noodles
makes a quick and convenient one-pot-low-carb-wonder. Warms you to your toes!

You can have this satisfying comfort meal on the table in 50 minutes from start to finish. Although ground beef isn’t a traditional cut of beef for stroganoff, the ground chuck is not only budget friendly, but cook-friendly—no meat-slicing skills needed.

Total Cost of Recipe: $8.52
Cost per ¼ of Recipe: $2.13

Serving Size: About 1½ cups

Preparation Time: 20 Minutes
Simmer Time: 30 Minutes
Start to Finish Time: 50 Minutes

Low-Carb Un-Corned Beef with Pan-Browned Winter Vegetables

Low-Carb Un-Corned Beef with Pan-Browned Winter Vegetables
Un-corned Beef works on any cut of beef. It’s pure low carb deliciousness and hearty St. Patrick’s Day fare.

A quick method for making un-cured beef in the style of corned beef.

Cost of Full Recipe for 8 People: $9.96
Cost per serving: $2.49

Serving Size: 4 servings

Preparation Time: 15 Minutes
Baking Time: 6 Hours

Look for more great Low-Carb recipes by Susie T. Gibbs.

Look for more great Low-Carb St. Patrick’s Day ideas.

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Spring is a magical season. It feels fresh and new and like rebirth. Spring is filled with possibilities and motivation and a sense of anticipation. In Texas, spring is just a glorious three-day precursor to a miserable nine month extravaganza inside the humid oven we Texans like to lovingly call the Texas Gulf Coast. Join Susie T. Gibbs as she shares her top 10 tips for keeping your Spring meals low carb, light, and satisfying!


  1. These recipes look great! I’m especially excited about the buttery cabbage noodles…always enjoy noodle substitutes. It’s good to see you posting again. Hope all has been well.

  2. Hi Heather! Thanks so much for the feedback. I hope you like them and will come back and give us your review! 🙂 *gulp*

    I’m hangin’ in there, thanks for asking. the aftermath of breast cancer is much harder than many make it out to be. If you are blessed to walk away without challenges after fighting cancer, you are blessed indeed. Each day is a gift, but each day with lymphedema in my left arm from the lymph node removal in additon to the pain from the neuralgia and scare tissue from the surgeries, chemo and radiation make things a challenge some days! I just give thanks every day for the team of fantastically talented healers who got me through and allow me with God’s blessing to be here writing for you!

    God bless!