The long awaited 100 page paperback edition is now available from The Fat Fast Cookbook was written by Dana Carpender, Amy Dungan, and Rebecca Latham to help anyone looking to break a low carb weight loss stall or for those looking to kick their body into fat-burning Nutritional Ketosis.
The Fat Fast, developed by Dr. Atkins and published in his book, Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution, – 1,000 calories per day, 90% from pure fat – resulted in average fat loss – not just weight loss, but fat loss – of over a pound per day! It’s a radical, short-term strategy, but boy, does it work.
The two hottest topics these days at are breaking a weight loss stall and getting your body into the fat-burning mode called Nutritional Ketosis. The Fat Fast Cookbook addresses both of these issues with 50 fabulous low carb, high fat recipes that can help you break your weight loss stall or help your body become keto-adapted, catapulting you into Nutritional Ketosis. It does this with 50 great recipes to help you implement the Fat Fast.
CarbSmart is here to help you succeed on your low carb lifestyle. Learn more about the Fat Fast, Nutritional Ketosis, and the Fat Fast Cookbook here.
High Praise for the Fat Fast Cookbook
“I am really impressed with the recipes in this book. Dana & Co. did a great job. The recipes are fun, innovative, varied and easy. If one must do the fat fast, this book is a blessing.”
“Are you ready to burn some fat? A Fat Fast is an effective way to start the fire. Dana Carpender and the CarbSmart team have cooked up some really tasty tidbits to keep hunger at bay while you rev up your metabolism with the magic of nutritional ketosis. You might think eating 1,000 calories a day, with 90% of them from fat, would require a lot of discipline. You may even doubt that you could do it. This book will change your mind. The authors show you how to eat a rich and varied diet while eating in a way that lets you access your stored fat for energy. These are recipes you will continue to use long after you have reached your ideal weight. Who would have guessed you could lose weight eating like this?”
Judy Barnes Baker
Author of Nourished: A Cookbook for Health, Weight Loss, and Metabolic Balance and Carb Wars: Sugar is the New Fat.
“Looking to ditch the junk in your trunk, thin your thighs, and whittle your middle? This comprehensive guide not only shares why everything you thought you knew about fat-fasting was wrong, readers will glean extensive information, recipes and pictures so sexy you’ll want to dress them in fishnets and spank their little bottoms. This book is a must-read for moving the scale in the right direction.”
Jamie VanEaton,
Your Lighter Side
A sample of the quick and easy-to-prepare Low Carb / High Fat recipes
Boursin Stuffed Mushrooms Fat Fast Recipe
Yogurt Parfait Fat Fast Recipe
Boursin Stuffed Mushrooms
Yogurt Parfait
Jalapeno Poppers
Fettuccine with Pancetta Cream
Chocolate Peanut Butter Bombs
Fat Fast Mac-and-Cheese
Mocha Mascarpone Mousse
French Vanilla Iced Coffee
Coconut Flax Bread
Sweet-and-Tangy Macaroni Salad
Coco Cocoa Fat Bombs
Butter-Roasted Pecans
Asparagus with Wasabi Mayonnaise
Curried Coconut Cream of Chicken Soup
Salmon Bisque
Kevlar Coffee
Low Carb Help Available Now!
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Also Available:
Plastic Comb: Easy Living Low-Carb Cooking Slightly Scuffed Cover – FREE US SHIPPING – 166 Page Paperback Regular Price $14.95, Sale Price $9.95
PDF: Fat Fast Cookbook: 50 Easy Recipes To Jump Start Your Low Carb Weight Loss 99 Page Downloadable PDF Price $5.99
PDF: CarbSmart Magazine #1 March 2013: Benefits of the Fat Fast 102 Page Downloadable PDF Price $1.99
PDF: CarbSmart Magazine #2 April 2013: Surprising Health Benefits of Ketogenic Diets 139 Page Downloadable PDF Price $1.99
PDF: CarbSmart Magazine #3 May 2013: Low Carb Picnics & Cookouts 131 Page Downloadable PDF Price $1.99
We suggest picking up a copy of the Fat Fast Cookbook AND a copy of Jimmy Moore’s latest release, Cholesterol Clarity, co-written with Dr. Eric Westman.
Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore & Eric Westman MD
CarbSmart Podcast Episode 23: Refusing Holiday Food and Staying Low-Carb can be tough at first but you can do it to avoid the Food Pushers. The holidays are straight ahead, and with them piles and piles of carby junk, and worse, people nagging you to eat the stuff. Why so many people think that saying things like "But you have to eat it! It's traditional!" and "I worked all afternoon making it just for you" constitutes an expression of holiday goodwill, I have no idea, but sadly this behavior is all too common. You need to think ahead about how to respond to this sort of thing.