The Low Carb Dietitian’s Guide to Health and Beauty

The Low Carb Dietitian’s Guide to Health and Beauty: How a Whole-Foods, Low-Carbohydrate Lifestyle Can Help You Look and Feel Better Than Ever

Low Carb Dietitian's Guide to Health and Beauty
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By Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator Franziska Spritzler

  • The science supporting carbohydrate restriction for weight management, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • How a balanced diet based on low-carb whole foods helps her look and feel better at 48 than she did in her 30s – and how it can do the same for you, whatever your age
  • The importance of including high-quality protein and healthy fats at all meals
  • The benefits of consuming plenty of plant foods to provide fiber, cancer-fighting phytochemicals, and anti-inflammatory compounds
  • 3 low-carb eating plans with 7-day sample menus and 40 recipes, plus a quiz to determine which one may be best for you
  • Guidance for creating a long-term low-carbohydrate way of eating customized to your own unique system, preferences, and lifestyle • Which low-carb foods can improve your looks as well as your health
  • Why gentle, moderate exercise may be more effective than strenuous physical activity

Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE, is a strong proponent of carbohydrate restriction for people struggling with weight and blood glucose issues. In addition to working in private practice, she is a freelance writer whose articles about low-carbohydrate diets have been published online and in diabetes journals and magazines, including the American Diabetes Association’s Diabetes Spectrum. Franziska is also the creator of She lives in Huntington Beach, California, with her husband.

Low Carb Dietitian's Guide to Health and Beauty

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