Review of The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living

Review of The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living article by Dana Carpender in the Premiere Issue of CarbSmart Magazine.

CarbSmart Magazine March 2013 Cover Premiere Issue

If you want the physiological explanation of the low carb lifestyle, this is your book.

Read the full article in the premiere issue of CarbSmart Magazine available in iTunes.

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What About Cheat Days on Your Low-Carb Lifestyle?

What About Cheat Days on Your Low-Carb Lifestyle? – CarbSmart Podcast Episode 14

I frequently see questions about cheat days – most commonly, “How often should I have a cheat day?” There seems to be an assumption that cheat days are a good idea, something that should be built into a low-carb diet to keep people from feeling deprived.

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