
Vitamins And Supplements Part 2: Beyond the Minimum

Some people are vitamin takers and some aren't. My husband is not, which frustrates me no end. To get Rod to take any vitamins at all, I have to buy chewable Flintstones, although he likes the Pokemon ones, too. I wouldn't mind if he ate healthily, but he has been known to slip his vegetables onto one of the kids' plates when he thinks no one is looking, and is not above pouring chocolate syrup on his favorite combination of Peanut Butter Captain Crunch and Cocoa Puffs.

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Vitamins & Supplements Part 1: The Minimum You Should Be Taking

This article is aimed at the first category of people, those who dislike taking vitamins, minerals, and supplements. I will be discussing the minimum vitamins, minerals, and supplements I feel everyone (not just low carbers) should be taking. I will also examine several of the readily available brands of multivitamins currently on the market, and will provide you with a chart for comparison.

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