Tag Archives: ketogenic diet

Ketogenic Diets Effectively Lower Blood Pressure

Ketogenic Diets Effectively Lower Blood Pressure by Dana Carpender

Ketogenic Diets Effectively Lower Blood Pressure by Dana Carpender. What the nay-sayers never admit is that eliminating that excess water brings blood pressure down, often practically overnight. Indeed, when the Atkins diet was compared to the Zone, LEARN, and Ornish diets, Atkins lowered systolic blood pressure (the top number) considerably better than the other diets – and four times better than the Ornish diet.

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CarbSmart’s Fat Fast Cookbook by Dana Carpender

Fat Fast Cookbook

Jump-Start Your Low Carb Weight Loss with CarbSmart's Fat Fast Cookbook by Dana Carpender & the CarbSmart Staff! The Fat Fast - 1,000 calories per day, 90% from pure fat - resulted in average fat loss - not just weight loss, but fat loss - of over a pound per day! It's a radical, short-term strategy, but boy, does it work.

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