The Latest From CarbSmart


Delivering The Power of the Leaf. Lipton is the Tea Experts. But they've earned it through their love of teas and commitment to quality for more than 100 years. Today, LIPTON Tea is enjoyed by people in over 80 countries, making them the largest supplier of branded tea in the world. Count on Lipton to bring you choice, quality and a healthy dose of benefits from tea.

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Eggs are a Low Carber’s Dream Food by Dana Carpender

We're just a few weeks out from Easter, and you know what that means: eggs are going to be cheap. Religious holidays aside, late winter/early spring is always a great time for eggs - that's why they became a symbol of this spring religious festival. I have occasionally seen eggs as cheap as 4 dozen for a buck - these were medium-sized eggs, to be sure, but still, at that price they might as well be giving them away. At prices like that, we can eat a lot of eggs.

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Amy Dungan Reviews Jonny Bowden’s Living Low Carb

Ann Louise Gittleman, author of The Fat Flush Plan, when speaking of Jonny Bowdens book Living Low Carb, says “If there’s anything you want to know about low-carbing, this is the book for you! Jonny Bowden has created an invaluale and encyclopedic health resource that belongs on every shelf.” I couldn’t agree more.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays