Elizabeth Senzee

Time Now for Commercial Break #3 in the Ongoing Saga of Delilah’s Mirror… So…What Happens When You Lose Your Motivation? Part II

By August 18, 2001, weighing in at 255 pounds (down from 380), I was to meet The Captain for the first time, and I was a wreck. I was emotionally and physically exhausted. I knew I hadn't lost enough weight to make a good impression on him. And I was sick to my stomach because it wasn't enough. I knew in my heart that it would never be enough, and I would not acknowledge that fact.

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Time Now for Commercial Break #2 in the Ongoing Saga of Delilah’s Mirror… A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Tattooist’s

Something you, Dear Reader, must understand about the articles you've read thus far is that they were written over a 2-and-a-half-year time frame. These are the stories and essays I've written along my journey. They are not what is happening to me right now, in real time. So in the interests of catching up, we pause now for another commercial break in the past to present fairly real-time experiences. The episodes you will read from now on will be in real time.

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Delilah’s Mirror Episode 13 Chicken Mary’s

We go to southeast Kansas, where most of my people are buried and where I spent a good deal of my childhood. To me, southeast Kansas is about joy and freedom and fields of ripening wheat to the horizon. It's about standing in a nearly abandoned cemetery in the silence of miles and miles of green rolling hills, and listening to the sound of God's voice in the wind, and the touch of His hand as it blows through your hair. It's also about Chicken Mary's.

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Delilah’s Mirror Episode 12 But If I’m Not Fat, Who Am I?

This weekend a fellow low carber has come to my town on a business trip, and I have enjoyed his company immensely. In a conversation in which he successfully attempted to recondition my thinking about the seminal event I've written about which I will call "The Fat 5-Year-Old," I blurted out, "But if I'm not fat, I wouldn't know who I am anymore. Who am I if I'm not fat?

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