
Let’s Go to the Fair! How to Stay Low-Carb at Your County Fair – CarbSmart Podcast Episode 13

Let's Go to the Fair!

Summer is here! And for many of us, especially those of us who live in rural-ish areas, that means a trip to the county fair. Too many folks simply assume that “It wouldn’t be the fair without” and give themselves permission to gobble every carb in sight, many of them deep-fried in questionable oils, for the duration.

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10 Unexpected Health Benefits Of Nutritional Ketosis Besides Weight Loss

Healthy Fats Avocado

It’s been a spectacular journey over these past year, testing the concept of nutritional ketosis on myself. What started out as a simple n=1 experiment to learn if a very high-fat, moderate protein, very low-carbohydrate nutritional approach could make a impact on my weight and health once a traditional Atkins or Paleo-style diet wasn’t working for me anymore, has now become much more than that.

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