Tara Grant

I've been on a 15-year journey to optimal health, starting with low-carb in the late 90s, and eventually progressing to the Primal and Paleo lifestyles in 2009. I've successfully lost (and kept off) over 100 pounds and have gotten rid of PCOS, endometriosis, depression, joint pain, inflammation, chronic infections and misery -- all by changing the way I eat. You can do this too. Take back control of your health and your life. I blog regularly at www.primalgirl.com and somehow still manage to get bacon into every single meal I eat.

Finding Your Own Personal Carb Limit

Pasta Carbs

Most of us have adopted a low carb lifestyle for health reasons and have had tremendous success, both with weight loss and reversing diseases of modern civilization. When we first start out, the weight loss and energy we feel from reducing our carb intake keeps us motivated. Once we’ve reached our goals, it can be tricky trying to navigate adding carbs back into our diets without completely going off the rails.

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My Journey to Low Carb Part 3: From Low Carb to Primal

Many things happened when I switched from a low carb approach to a Primal lifestyle, but perhaps the biggest change was my attitude. I started questioning things. I no longer ate something simply because it was low carb; I now needed to know everything that was in my food, where it came from, and how it was made. Since a Primal diet didn’t allow for legumes, grains or processed foods, a lot of the foods I had eaten in the past – Atkins bars, low carb tortillas, and tofu to name a few – were off the list.

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My Journey to Low Carb Part 2: Committing and Recommitting to Low Carb Eating

My first few days of low carb eating were incredibly easy. I found that I wasn’t as hungry as I used to be and I had more energy. I was propelled by adrenaline – excited to finally be trying something I was sure was going to work. In Tara Grant's Journey to Low Carb Part 2, like many of us, she learned she had to commit and recommit to Low Carb Eating.

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