Paleo Diet

Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook: Real Food for Real Life

Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook by Sarah Fragoso

Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook offers guidance on how to bring your family together with the magic of real food. As modern life grows more hectic with each passing day, a part of living the paleo lifestyle is slowing down and enjoying the time we have with family and friends. This cookbook is intended to remind us of how precious these moments are, and that some of the fondest memories can be made while sitting at the dinner table with the ones we love.

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Dana Learns An Important Lesson Again: Why Sodium Is Important On A Low Carb Diet

What About Salt?

Sodium is not the problem. High insulin levels are the problem, because they signal the kidneys to retain sodium. Stop eating carbs and drop your insulin levels, and all of a sudden your kidneys become very efficient at removing sodium from the bloodstream. Stop eating a bunch of processed food, and your salt intake drops just as your ability to cope with sodium improves.

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What is a Paleo Diet by Dana Carpender

What is the Paleo Diet / Primal Diet?

Paleo refers to the idea that we can take cues from the hunter-gatherer diets of our pre-agricultural ancestors to determine the best - dare I say the evolutionary - diet of human kind. It is nearly impossible to achieve a truly paleo diet; you'd have to eat only local wild foods in season; one piece of cultivated fruit or pinch of a spice from another part of the world and you're no longer truly authentic.

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Organic Coconut Flour 1 lb. bag by Let’s Do Organic

Let's Do Organic Coconut Flour is a fantastic gluten free, low fat, high fiber, low carb, delicious and healthy organic alternative to wheat flour! Not only can you use it as a replacement for wheat flour in your most favorite recipes, you can use it to add some extra flavor, protein and fiber to smoothies, hot or cold cereal, desserts and more!

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The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf

The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf

The Paleo Solution incorporates the latest, cutting edge research from genetics, biochemistry and anthropology to help you look, feel and perform your best. Written by Robb Wolf, a research biochemist who traded in his lab coat and pocket protector for a whistle and a stopwatch to become one of the most sought after strength and conditioning coaches in the world.

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Everyday Paleo Book by Sarah Fragoso

Everyday Paleo

In Everyday Paleo, Sarah Fragoso gives detailed instructions for acquiring a Paleo lifestyle and improving the health and longevity of your family. An active mother of three, Fragoso shows that eating Paleo is not only feasible for the busiest of families, but also easy, delicious and completely life-changing. She offers numerous recipes for all meals of the day, and provides tips for getting around common roadblocks, such as eating out.

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Going Primal with Dana Carpender

When I started low carbing in 1995, low fat/high carb mania was still in full swing. Snackwells were selling like crazy, pasta salad and bagels were still "healthy," and I was clearly nuts. (Well, that had been clear for quite a while, but for other reasons.) Even I was worried I might keel over dead in the first six weeks.

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