Brian Pierce

CarbSmart Magazine Is Now Available in Apple’s iTunes Newsstand

CarbSmart Magazine September 2013 Issue

CarbSmart Magazine serving the low carb community, has taken its digital presence to the Apple iPad, Google Android and Amazon Kindle tablets.

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The Epiphany Of The Low Carb Crusader

It finally happened. After 1 year, 10 months, and 17 days on Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution.... After countless cows, chickens, turkeys, ducks, and pigs (the tastiest and crispiest of God's creatures - truly blessed) and other types of livestock have given their lives to my ongoing weight loss.... After 148 pounds had been dropped.... I finally came to that wall that stops so many low carbers dead in their tracks every day.

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Adjusting To The Low Carb Diet – The Times They Are A-Changin’

I have been low carbing for approximately one and a half years now, and I have lost 127 pounds. The whole thing has become pretty much second nature to me now. In the beginning, it was very difficult to adjust to this way of life, but boy has it been worth it! My life has completely changed! And that's what this week's article is all about: change.

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Excuses, Excuses

I went off my diet temporarily one Thursday this summer, and didn't stop being off until the following Monday morning! It all started innocently enough at a companywide lunch meeting. It was the last lunch meeting of the year that we'd be having outdoors, and my coworkers convinced me that I should go ahead and have a burger on a real bun with real ketchup, since this was the last time this year it would happen. And what good is a burger without potato salad and Fritos? Luckily, I was able to rationalize this cheat by remembering one of the golden rules of dieting: food eaten at an official company function doesn't count. So I figured I was safe, and vowed to start anew the next Friday.

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