Personal Experience

Why I’m Not a Low-Carb Purist by Dana Carpender

I have, over the past many years in general, and in the past few days in particular, taken some heat for not being pure enough or restrictive enough or something enough about the diet I eat and the ingredients I use in my recipes. I was accused of something very close to a major character flaw in a discussion about sucralose, by a woman who was infuriated that I would use such an evil, evil ingredient, and that I dared to suggest that perhaps stevia was not utterly safe beyond all question. I've been taken to task for using/eating polyols. I've been told that I should only use, and only recommend, organic, grass-fed meat, and that suggesting that it's okay to eat battery eggs - factory farmed eggs - is just plain wrong.

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New Year, No Excuses – Stay Low Carb During the Holidays by Amy Dungan

Holidays make us crazy. Everyone has somewhere to go, something to do. Hectic schedules, big family dinners, last minute party details - even small distractions could throw us completely off course. So why is it that we let the holiday season itself keep us from sticking to our eating plans? Many people can make the conscious decision to indulge in this or that and then jump right back on track. But making that decision, and actually doing it, are two different things. We can have the best intentions in the world, but if we don't follow up on them, they can be our undoing. I, for one, used to be guilty of putting off my healthy eating or exercise plan until after the holidays. I knew it would be difficult with all the tempting foods around. It was much easier to just wait until the feasting was over. But think about it. Are the holidays truly ever over? No, not really.

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Vanilla Tea on the Belly Fat Cure

I'm a big tea lover, and fall and winter are the perfect times to warm up with a nice cup in the evening. I have also found having a tea in the evening is the perfect way to may me feel full and even satisfy my sweet tooth. In the past I have written about Chocolate Teas, which I absolutely love, but there aren't many decaf options for the evening. So this post is all about vanilla teas!

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Stevia Sweeteners on Belly Fat Cure by Amber Allen-Sauer

In the Belly Fat Cure and other low sugar diet plans, getting your sugar grams as low as possible is very important. It is also important to eliminate artificial sweeteners in your diet. This leaves only a few options, mostly stevia and sugar alcohols. While I had used sugar alcohols on Atkins years ago, I had never heard of Stevia. In the beginning I used Stevia sweeteners in lots of things, as I was getting rid of the taste of sugar. Now, though, I really only use it in my hot teas or in some iced teas when I am out. I carry a little "sweetener bag" in my purse and always have them handy!

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Taking That First Step on a Diet and an Interview with Jorge Cruise by Amber Allen-Sauer

Six months ago I felt completely helpless and hopeless with my weight, I wanted to lose weight but I felt overwhelmed with the enormity of it all. And honestly, scared of the changes I might have to make to accomplish it. I had lost faith in myself. But I am happy to say, that by applying a few rules to the food I eat and sticking with them I completely changed my body and rediscovered myself.

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Low Carb Reality Column by Amy Dungan

CarbSmart is proud to introduce the addition of Amy Dungan to the CarbSmart Magazine staff. Amy is a freelance writer and photographer who has been living the low-carb lifestyle since 2001 and loves sharing her knowledge and experiences with others. She's written for the Internet's most popular low-carb magazine, Low Carb Luxury, as well as various other newsletters and internet publications, including the acclaimed blog Healthy Low-Carb Living. Amy Dungan has been writing great articles for low carb magazine. A long time low carber, you'll appreciate Amy Dungan diet tips, Amy's low carb recipes and Amy's low sugar diet suggestions. Amy Dungan low carb reality.

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Low-Carb Grocery Shopping

Folks often complain that while their low carb diet has led to weight loss and improved health, their budget is taking a beating. It's true that meat and vegetables are more expensive than pasta and rice. I've long countered that there's nothing cheap about "food" that makes you fat, tired, hungry, sick, and cranky, and that good food is an investment you can't afford not to make. I will forever stand by that argument.

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