The Latest From CarbSmart

CarbSmart Magazine Issue 5 July 2013

The Definitive Guide to Going Gluten-Free

Whether you have decided to go Gluten-Free after being diagnosed with celiac disease (in which case, I suppose “decide” would be the wrong word), or you’ve opted to kick the gluten habit to upgrade your health, fear not, I’ve got your back! With a little preparation, and this handy guide, you’ll be headed to a groovy gluten-free (and naturally lower-carb) lifestyle in no time!

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Personalized Nutrition for Optimum Fertility

Personalized Nutrition for Optimum Fertility

Nutrition-related diseases are common in our fertility practice. Patients with these issues are actually experiencing sub-fertility, however, and they generally have excellent fertility potential. Evidence- and experience-based recommendations are improving and we now have a growing experience of effective treatments. In addition, we may expect very exciting new research results in the next few years with regard to the role of gut flora and obesity, for example. Carbohydrate restriction has become a first-line, mainstream treatment in many fertility and medical clinics. Resistance to these measures appears to be waning as the benefits of these interventions become more and more obvious.

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CarbSmart Magazine Issue 5 July 2013

Bologna Meter: Alzheimer’s Bologna

Bologna Meter: Alzheimer's Bologna. A new study made a splash in the media recently – the splash coming in the form of headlines like these: Saturated Fat May Make the Brain Vulnerable to Alzheimer's and How a High Fat Diet Increases Alzheimer's Risk. Holy moly! Saturated fat causes Alzheimer’s?! I’d throw away all my sausage, except I can’t remember where I put it.

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CarbSmart Magazine Issue 5 July 2013

Low Carb Success Story Anne Luther

A retired RN in clinical ophthalmology, Anne Luther resides in Little Rock, Arkansas. Weight gain and mounting health problems drove her to looking for answers. She discovered the low-carb/paleo/gluten-free lifestyle and has never looked back.

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CarbSmart Magazine June 2013

Endothelial Function and Low Carb Dieting

Endothelial Function and Low Carb Dieting by Dana Carpender. Learn why a leading cardiovascular surgeon quit his practice to spread the word that heart disease has nothing to do with cholesterol – and what the true killer is. Plus some interesting secrets Dana uncovered along the way.

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Low Carb Success Story Leigh Ann Bishop

Low Carb Success Story Leigh Ann Bishop

Low Carb Success Story Leigh Ann Bishop by Amy Dungan in the June 2013 issue of CarbSmart Magazine. Leigh Ann lost an amazing 51 pounds and reached her goal weight in just about 16 weeks! Another inspiring story to speed you on your low carb journey.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays