Dana Carpender

Dana Carpender, 46-year nutrition buff, 29-year low-carber, opinionated writer, congenital smarty pants, and low-carb recipe guru. Lives in Southern Indiana with Otis the Pug, Squeaky the Cat, and as always, That Nice Boy She Married.

12 Best Low-Carb Spring Foods

10 Best Spring Foods - Salmon

Spring is a season of rejuvenation and new beginnings, a time when nature bursts into life and we feel motivated to refresh our daily routines. For those following a low-carb lifestyle, this is an excellent opportunity to revamp your meal plan and incorporate the season's freshest and most delectable ingredients. We explore the best spring foods that align with your low-carb diet, invigorate your taste buds, and nourish your body with essential nutrients.

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Should I Stop Eating Erythritol?

Should I Stop Eating Erythritol

Should I Stop Eating Erythritol? The artificial sweetener erythritol and cardiovascular event risk. Commentary by Dana Carpender. For those of you who are shaking your heads in puzzlement, let me first explain: on February 27, 2023, a medical journal article (Nature Medicine) regarding erythritol was published online alerting the world that the use of erythritol sweetener could be damaging to our health. Dana Carpender provides her perspective on it.

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